We are now booking in Covid and Flu vaccinations for our patients.

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Flu can affect anyone but if you have a long-term health condition the effects of flu can make it worse even if the condition is well managed and you normally feel well. You should have the free flu vaccine if you are:

• 65+

• pregnant or have a long-term condition such as:

• a heart problem

• a chest complaint or serious breathing difficulties, including bronchitis, emphysema or people with asthma (needing a steroid inhaler or tablets)

• a kidney disease

• lowered immunity due to disease or treatment (such as steroid medication or cancer treatment)

• liver disease

• had a stroke or a transient ischaemic attack (TIA)

• diabetes

• some neurological conditions, e.g. multiple sclerosis (MS), or cerebral palsy

• a learning disability

• a problem with your spleen, e.g sickle cell disease, or you have had your spleen removed

• or are seriously overweight (BMI of 40 and above)

Please call the Surgery on 01945 880471 if you would like to get booked in.